Custom Website Design for Palm Harbor Dress Shop
This project was one of our favorite projects to work on, partly due to the challenges that our clients presented us with, but we also really enjoyed viewing the products! Nikki’s is a Palm Harbor icon for formal wear, yet they were facing some stiff competition in Tampa. We solved the problem by designing a website that would reflect their brand, but to a Tampa audience. They now enjoy a page one ranking for their target market. Visit:http://www.promdressestampa.com/
Affordable Web Design for Clothing Retailers
Since 2001, we’ve enjoyed developing websites for a variety of retailers, from jewelry stores to clothing re-sellers and formal wear , as in Nikki’s Glitz & Glam. We have included e-commerce solutions as well as websites that showcase a retailer’s product with a goal to increase online lead generation and to increase physical traffic to their brick and mortars! Affordable, easy with ongoing support when and if you need it–Bay Area Graphics & Marketing is a favorite small business web design and SEO firm for Tampa Bay’s small business community.